“The power that made the body heals the body. There is no other way.”

— B. J. Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic

Wellness Coaching

I use the term Wellness Coaching to describe planning to jumpstart your wellness routine. For me, wellness is best represented as a wheel with seven spokes of health: emotional, intellectual, physical, social, environmental, financial, and spiritual. Where would you like to be? How can overall wellness help take you there?

All wellness coaching visits include an adjustment and the rest of the time will be spent attempting to help you plan and follow up with goals to ensure that you're living in optimum wellness. Each planning session typically includes coming up with anywhere from one to three goals for each spoke of the wellness wheel as well as action steps towards achieving those goals.

Please understand that I, Dr. William Hatten, am not a mental health care provider. This service is not an appropriate treatment or therapy for any psychological condition. If you believe you may be experiencing any kind of mental health issue, please contact an appropriate mental health care professional. Should you have trouble, please don't hesitate to let me know and I will use my network and resources to help you find a provider that will work for you.