“The power that made the body heals the body. There is no other way.”

— B. J. Palmer, Developer of Chiropractic


What is an extremity? Well, for a chiropractor, it is any joint outside the spine! That means shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles just to name a few. You might be thinking to yourself that chiropractors are just back pain or neck pain or headache doctors, but there is so much more to us than that. Chiropractors are trained to examine, asses and adjust extremities as well, even though all of us do not wind up choosing to practice this way.

I personally got into extremities because I am an avid tennis player, and I always seem to hurt my shoulder or my knee while playing. Chiropractic was essential for keeping me in top shape for my game.

TMJ and Jaw Pain

Did you know that one in three Americans will experience TMJ pain at some point in their lives? Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) can cause severe and debilitating pain. Did you know chiropractic care is one of the most effective ways to treat TMJ pain and TMD? As long as the pain is biomechanical in nature and not structural, patients typically see results within four to six visits.

I use a cutting edge technique that blends Activator Methods Instrument-Assisted Adjusting and at-home physical therapy in order to help you see the results that you want without having to purchase and be fitted with an expensive dental device.

Are extremities included in regular adjustments?

Unfortunately, no. Because I strive to give my patients the best possible care, I have spent extra time inside and outside chiropractic school learning to adjust most extremity concerns. There will be an additional fee if you require any extremity adjustments at the time of service.