Food Assistance

Today is all about a PSA

We all know that school breaks are supposed to be fun and filled with good food. However, some of us are less fortunate than others. Some people may even find themselves struggling to have enough food on the table to keep everyone in the family from going hungry. Did you know that hunger strikes children hardest when they're out of school? Many students who qualify for free or reduced cost meals get the majority of their food during the academic year from school, not from home. Let's try to do our part by sharing this information to make sure that no one in our community goes hungry. 

If you or someone you know may be able to benefit, please share this information with them. The Arby's Foundation, the No Kids Hungry campaign, and the Why Hunger organization have gotten together to map locations throughout the country serving free meals. You can use their website, call a toll-free number, or text from any phone. Here's how to do it:

  1. Text "FOOD" to 877-877. The service will respond asking your zip code. Once you respond with your zip code, it shoots back three to four locations offering free meals with their hours of operation as well. (I tried it for Atlanta, and got results back near me instantly.)

  2. Go online and search at to find a location providing assistance near you.

  3. Call 1-866-3HUNGRY to find a site and learn more about this awesome program.

To read more about this fantastic program, please click through here to get to the official press release.

Yours in health,

Dr. William


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