Don’t Set the Alarm
Try not hitting snooze on your alarm this weekend...
Today's post is going to be short and sweet. Don't set your alarm this weekend. Sleep in. Enjoy yourself! Americans on average are sleeping less than seven hours a night. You might think that's because you're getting all you need, or maybe it's because you have too much to do to afford more sleep than that. Well, I'm going to tell you that you need to find some time to get eight to nine hours of sleep in your life - especially if you're trying to get healthy!
When recommends it...
When even body building sites are telling you that sleep is critical to your lifting and gym regime, it's time to believe it. They even publish a new article once a month or so extolling the value of sleep. I can't stress how important this is for a healthy lifestyle.
Benefits of Sleep
What the CDC is saying...
The National Sleep Foundation is quoted on the CDC as providing these four tips for a healthier sleep:
Go to bed at the same time each night and rise at the same time each morning.
Make sure your bedroom is a quiet, dark, and relaxing environment, which is neither too hot or too cold.
Make sure your bed is comfortable and use it only for sleeping and not for other activities, such as reading, watching TV, or listening to music. Remove all TVs, computers, and other "gadgets" from the bedroom.
Avoid large meals before bedtime.
Just for fun...
Here is a pic of my puppers Bryson taking a nap on the sofa. Nothing better than a puppy nap!
Yours in health,
Dr. William