What Is Your Number One Health Goal?

What's a health goal?

For me, a health goal is any positively-framed change that you would like to see in your overall health and wellness. Having a positively-framed goal is very important in helping you achieve your desired end result. For instance, if you'd like to lose ten pounds, you might want to phrase it as "I want to lose ten pounds so that I can have a healthier, happier body that looks as good as it feels." A bad health goal would be, "I want to lose ten pounds so I don't look like a beached whale at the BBQ/pool party next month." These two ideas and desires both have the same end goal, but only one of them is going to help you get there AND stay there. 

How do I formulate these goals?

I cannot stress how important it is to form positive goals. The neurology of the brain works so much better with positive incentives. While negative incentives and fear/punishment tactics do sometimes work, they do not have the same biochemical incentives as the positive goals. 

First, revisit the health and wellness wheel. Find out where you believe improvement could be made. Remember, the areas of health are physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, economic, environmental, and social.

Now, if your goal is to lose ten pounds for that pool party next month, what aspects of health does that connect with? Physical health, sure. I see that. Could it also have to do with your social health? Could it be that emotional health is also involved? Taking this moment for reflection on the goal is a very important step to making sure that your goal is effective. If you have previously suffered from a poor body image, perhaps your self-esteem needs to be stronger. Maybe that is another goal that needs to be incorporated into this goal as well. Maybe someone in your family or friend circle has made you feel bad about your weight at some point. Perhaps improving your relationship with that person will be an important part of this goal as well.

After you have taken stock of each aspect of health and generated ideas on what needs improvement in order for you to reach your goal, it's much easier for you to formulate your goal(s). 

How many goals should I work on at once?

I think it's good to be continuously thinking of ways to improve your health. However, if you're trying to accomplish too many things at once, it's easier to become overwhelmed. In the case of losing weight, perhaps you wound up with these three goals: 

  1. Lose weight to express my best physical health

  2. Improve self-esteem for greater mental clarity and self-awareness

  3. Strive to communicate without negativity when interacting with family members

This makes sense. This feels healthy, and it's all about losing those 10 pounds for the barbecue/pool party next month.  However, if you also wanted to quit smoking and go really hard for a promotion at work, all in the same time period, you might overwhelm yourself and not accomplish anything. 

I don't suggest working on more than three goals at once for your first attempt using this system.

When should I start?

I personally like to start these at the beginning of the week, but there is no set time that you should or shouldn't start. If you're trying to lose weight, be sensible and don't start the week of Thanksgiving! Just be realistic with what your goal is and when beginning a project works best for you.

Finally... A disclaimer

These hints and tips are indicated for people who want to improve issues that have been standing in their way. However, this health goal guide is not intended to treat any physical or psychological disease. If you believe that you may have any physical or mental health condition, please seek assistance from an appropriate professional. If you are currently one of my patients, don't hesitate to ask for a referral during your regular appointment. I have a wide network of various professional health care providers, and I'm happy to share their expertise with you!

Yours in health,

Dr. William


What is the Secret to Wellness? (part 1)


What is Health?